Tuesday, December 31, 2013

The gift that keeps giving: 6 Months of dates for my Man!

I am very proud to share with the internet world a personal creation that I made as a Christmas gift for my man! Unashamedly, I get most all of my great ideas from pinterest, however, THIS great idea is an original creation of my own!

Here is the idea: 6 months of mystery dates and scripture. 

I made mine 6 months simply for time and financial reasons, but anyone recreating this could easily make it a year. I took a basket and made 6 month dividers. I made each month original and fun using sticker letters and scrapbook paper. Inside of each of those divers is a sealed envelope, which lists what we are doing on that mystery date. Inside the month divers is also a fancy month title, and a list of Bible verses. The second part of the gift is a dry-erase/magnet board. Taylor can take this board and hang it on his wall. I super-glued a fancy pocket to the bottom of the board, where Taylor can place that month's sealed date. Each month he can change out the design by retrieving that month's supplies from the basket. He will put that month's label at the top, using magnets, and then the scriptures underneath. Almost all of the dates that I planned can be done on any day. That gives Taylor the freedom to choose the day, which he will write on the board using a dry erase marker.
 Each month's scripture verses have a theme. I told Taylor that I would commit to praying those scriptures for him all month. The first month's theme, for example, relates to work and doing hard things for the Lord. I chose that theme for January because that's the month Taylor will start his spring semester of dental school. 

On the day of the date, Taylor can open the sealed envelope and discover what we will be doing! In the back of the basket I added a brown box. The box contains all of the supplies that we will need in order to do that month's date! So when he opens the envelope and reads what we are doing, he can then open the box and find everything we will need. After the date, he will give the box back to me and I will replenish it with the supplies for the next month. (And then I will tie it with ribbon so that he won't be tempted to peek!). 
Here is an example of what is included in the basket for each month: month divider (created with scrapbook paper, sticker letters, and a file divider), sealed envelope with a paper inside of it containing what we are doing on that month's date, month label to put on the dry erase board, and that month's scriptures. Each month I used different scrapbook paper with a different theme and color scheme.
Taylor loved this gift and we are both excited about it, because it's the gift that keeps giving! It's gives us both something to look forward to each month - and gives us quality time together! I also love the scripture element because it keeps me accountable to pray scripture for my man! I would post the fun dates I have planned, but I don't want Taylor to stumble upon this post and read them before we've done them! I'll try to post a second piece to this post in 6 months with more details and memories from all of our fun dates. :)

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