Sunday, September 19, 2010

Costa Rican Adventures

Well, if you look at how often I have updated my blog, it is quite obvious that I have started classes! I’m sorry for slacking so badly in updating my blog!

Whew, I feel like I could write a book trying to update everyone on the last two weeks! Don’t worry, I’ll do as much summarizing as possible and keep this short! : )

My first week of classes was crazy! Not only did I have to adjust to being back in the “college setting” and figure out what was expected of me in each of my classes, I also had to figure out how to get to my new university! It took about a week, and getting lost, to master this. I have to leave my house about 40 minutes before classes start to get there on time. I am becoming a pro at the bus system here and now know what a commuter feels like (and trust me, commuting makes 8:00 classes seem 10x worse!).

After completing my first week, I decided to add a Spanish fifth class to my schedule this semester. I’m the only one here taking five classes and was warned several times that this is not recommended and will be difficult… however, the benefit of NOT having to take a summer class and FINISHING my Spanish major by May outweighs the negatives to this decision! I’m ready to work hard and do what I came here for: learn Spanish!

So far, I am really enjoying my classes. Two of my professors used to work at the Institute (the school I was at this summer)! I thought that having all of my classes in Spanish was going to be painfully difficult, but PRAISE the LORD because so far it’s actually been ENJOYABLE! Last year, Spanish class was an inescapable stress! I could hardly understand anything that was said in class. I can remember feeling anxious walking into class and feeling overwhelmingly stressed and confused walking out of class! I don’t know when it happened, but God has blessed me with a much better understanding of the language! I can now understand 99% of what is said in class! I can’t even express how good that feels and how much of a relief that is! Truly a miracle! Thanks to everyone who has been praying for that! I have a long ways to go, but please pray that by the end of the semester I’ll be leaps and bounds closer to fluency!

The first three weekends here are “excursions” that are included with our ISA semester. I have had SO MUCH fun on the two excursions that I have been on so far! The first weekend we went to Monteverde, which is a town here in Costa Rica known for it’s rainforests. It was incredible! We stayed in a five star hotel, ate delectable buffet meals, and enjoyed the outdoors. Saturday we went “canopying” (zip lining) through the jungle! It was a two hour experienced packed with SO MUCH FUN! Some of the zip line ropes brought us gliding through the air from one mountain to the next mountain overlooking the lush valley below and an incredible view for miles! After that we went horseback riding along the mountains – such a relaxing experience! Sunday we finished the weekend off with a vigorous hike through the jungle.

This weekend we went to Arenal, a volcano town! The weekend was packed full of outdoor adventures! Saturday morning we went cannoning (repelling down waterfalls)! It was an experience of a lifetime! We harnessed up and hiked through the jungle and repelled down five different waterfalls! I loved it!!! After that, we enjoyed a nice relaxing day of swimming in the many hot springs and pools (complete with waterslides), and more hiking. This morning (Sunday) we woke-up early and went for another hike. This time we walked down 480 steep steps to the valley at the bottom of a mountain. What we discovered when we got down there was breath taking! It was the biggest waterfall that I have ever seen in person and it was absolutely gorgeous! The water at the bottom was a beautiful pearl green color. We jumped in to go for a swim and it was biting cold, but refreshing at the same time! We swam around the waterfall and discovered a rock cove behind the waterfall! This experience is probably my favorite thing that I have experienced thus far in Costa Rica (and definitely made walking back UP the 480 stairs seem worth it!)! Words can’t express how beautiful this waterfall was! I don’t know how someone can experience and see the things we saw this weekend and not believe in God!

I have been enjoying getting to know the other 17 people in this program with me. God is sooo good and has blessed me with about four other Christian friends here on this program! That has been such an encouragement! We are going to start a Bible study together on Thursdays and work together to further God’s kingdom in whatever way we can this semester!

I know that this is probably the shortest blog post that I have every written considering how much time I just covered… I’m sorry for the lack of details. I would write more, but after having so many adventures this weekend I am literally falling asleep as I type. I hope to write more soon with more details about live here in Costa Rica. I love you all! Buenas noches!

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